Saturday, December 15, 2012


Mr.Swesson (first name: meanie) spoke in what some would call a a gruff tone. "you are joking- say you're joking!" and the part-time pharmacist thatwas serving him had an expression of panic and curiousity. Meanie Swesson tried again. "I cannot have just come here for nothing! Iwent to two other Osco Stores and they sent me all the way here! Did I come to this one- your Osco- to be told you don'tcarry that brand when the llast store assured me you did??" The part-time pharmacist tried to say something. "Sir, if there's a problem with the service, I can get-" But Mr. Swesson interrupted. "I would like to see the manager, yes!" Mrs. Welnow (first name: Ha-ha) had heard the whole thing, and there was much to explain. She thought of the crowded store and bad timing, the freshness of the part-time pharmacist. "Will you need that in a bag or were you just going to stick it up your ass?" Those listening would have characterised her as "frustrated" had they felt it was safe to speak. There was a tense moment, then a series of them, making it the longest -recorded tense stare in store history. Then they both started laughing together, like the whole episode was a big joke.Mrs. Welnow was quite surprised four weeks later when she recieved word that she was fired for terrorizing her employees. She decided to have a word with Mr. Swasson, and she was sure, very sure, that she could keep her tone civil.

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